Saturday, June 1, 2013

I Made it! Post-Injury Running was a Success!

Today was going to be my gauge on if I could continue my running habit or be thwarted by an injury and kept in limbo of waiting for it to heal. I woke up feeling positive (and better yet - no soreness from my ankle). I've been pretty diligent about icing it, massaging it and stretching it for the last few days (and even staying off of the elliptical and actually resting). So, with no soreness felt and with my husbands help, we placed my KT tape for peroneal tendonitis, slide on our running shoes, swept the babies up and we were on our way!
I can't explain the anticipation and nervousness I had felt on our drive to the park. I was actually scared and had butterflies in my stomach; conflicting feelings. I imagine much like the feeling you get when you are about to step off of the cliff with a bungie cord attached to you (well, probably not as extreme or dramatic - but to a lesser degree, that's what I kinda felt). Silly, I know. It was just the idea of getting on the trail and being so ready for a run, only to be turned back once I felt the slightest little pang. 
We got to our favorite park (with somewhat easy, paved trails and tolerable hills) and popped the babies in the stroller. I made sure to stretch well before my run. I usually don't stretch before my runs, as I read some where that the correlation between a decrease in injuries with stretching vs not before a run was really nothing to mention. Either way, I'll be stretching before my runs now (it doesn't hurt to stretch and it feels good/loosens you up a bit, even if mentally). We were on our way!
I felt great, no soreness at all, but I wasn't going to get excited just yet - as I know it could hit at any time during my run. However, at my fifteen minute mark, which I decided would be my halfway mark, I still felt great and was enjoying being out there too much to turn back just yet. Another five minutes won't hurt, will it? Dah, the runner in me speaks. I asked my husband if we could do another five and when I looked back, I could see the stroller taking a toll on him. Yep, it looks easy because it's on wheels, but that beast is pretty challenging. Not only with your running form, but the little added weight, the wind resistance, etc can add up. I'm pretty sure that's how I messed my tendon up (combined with the running trails we were doing).
We made it to twenty and before long, we were at our parking lot again. An amazing feeling to have overcome another running injury (so far). They sure are scary and hopefully, this one will stay away like my IT band injury has stayed away thus far. It was great being out there again, albeit slow paced (10'30") - it made my day.

A picture of my wrapped ankle (not swollen anymore as far as I can tell) and my two day old Bakilas. Still my favorite VFF's. I had bought two pairs of them at the same time last year and just when I broke out of my old ones and into these pair is when I started hurting (a coincidence, I'm sure). They feel like soft air under my feet. I may regret getting white. ;)

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