Friday, May 31, 2013

Peroneal Tendonitis, please go away so I can run!

So, I took a few more days off because I had woke everyday this week with soreness around my ankle. On (I guess?) a good note, I've been able to rule out that it is not my Achilles. To be honest, I think this long waiting for it to heal has also been a selfish delay, as instead of actually "resting", I was resting by doing the elliptical. I can't just sit around, I need to do something. However, my brain finally started working and I realized I need to *rest*. The last two days have been me sitting around, doing very minimal other than taking care of my twin babies. As I've said before, it's complete torture not running, doubled by the fact that my used-to-be-non-runner husband is going off running without us. I have to put on my supportive face, hide the jealousy and see him off every time he does though.
Today, my ankle feels pretty good though. I've been icing it at night, doing stretches and I even took out my old friend, the sport stick, and started rolling my right calve (as the peroneal tendon runs along the outside of the foot, below the ankle and on the outer aspect of the achilles tendon along the calve).
Tomorrow, I will test out it out. I'm nervous, but so very anxious to run. I don't want to be stupid about it, but I have to try. I bought KT tape in hopes that that will help stabilize my tendon and make it less of a potential to damage it more. Between the tendonitis and my previous IT band injury, I feel this injury is a bit more scary. I felt my IT band when I was not running, mainly sitting and once in awhile when I went up and down stairs but never when I ran. This injury, I feel it most of the time; worse in the morning, slightly when I walk and from the last time I ran - it had thwarted my stride to a hobble, for the most part. However, my last run, I was doing my speed run (7' pace) and tomorrow, I am going to take it easy - slow and steady and hopefully no hills (as from what I've read, hills and uneven terrain and damage the tendon). My husband will be the one to push the baby stroller (which I will miss), but tomorrow is about gauging my injury and not actually running. If it hurts at all, my husband and I have already agreed I will stop immediately and probably rest (no elliptical-rest) for a good week or so. I feel bad there is potential I may ruin his run, but he said we would both stop and he would just run by himself later in the day. Boo Hiss to running injuries! Crossing my fingers and toes to a pain free day tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait, really hope the ankle stays together. Otherwise you're going in the stroller and I'll carry the babies on my shoulders.
