Sunday, June 30, 2013

First 10 Mile Run with the Baby Stroller

On our weekend runs, my husband and I try to pick out a location to go to that we can get a long stretch of trail with little stops (unlike our usual running path by our house that is riddled with stop lights, alleys, etc.). My favorite place is the Lakeshore path, so we decided on that for todays run. It's usually a safe place for a long run because it's a long stretch and there's a lot for the babies to look at and people to see along the way. Plus, if they grow too bored or upset, we can take them out at one of the many playgrounds along the way or even let them loose by the water on one of the beaches (which we haven't done yet). However, once we arrived at the lakeshore and after we got the babies settled in the stroller and took our first few steps on the path we both realized the wind was blowing pretty strong. It wouldn't be too much of a problem, other than slowing us down some, but with the baby stroller; we'd probably be slowed way down and exhausted well before 10 miles were completed. We decided to go to our other favorite location, at Miami Woods. I was a bit apprehensive, because the last time we went (a few days ago), the trail was swamped and parts were so flooded over that we couldn't pass. We've had a few warm days in between, but nothing I thought would dry up the massive pools of water. My husband made a point that, because the floods were from the river overflowing and not stagnant water, the flooding should've receded quite a bit if not completely. So we tried our luck and ventured out there.
Once we arrived, we noticed there were a lot of people using the trail, so we figured that was a good enough sign. Once we were off, both of us were feeling pretty good and the babies were content and smiling; I was doubtful it would last, but I had backup snacks and beverages for them and there was always sticks to play with that worked well last time that we could use. My ankle was feeling pretty good and my energy was high also, as I actually had breakfast before our run (I usually don't have breakfast). I actually did not run in my VFF's today and instead, was running in my regular running shoes thinking it might offer more support to my ankle). My husband agreed to taking the stroller up hills and if I needed a break. We were running at his pace, so between that and the breaks with the stroller, I think my ankle should be fine and my endurance would make it as well. Throughout our run, I would push for 20 and my husband would take it for 5 or 10 minutes after my 20 minutes were up. I was a bit disappointed in our run out, because I had the_worst side stitch that I couldn't push through. So I took a minute to walk it off while my husband took the stroller and kept running. It was somewhat better before I decided to try to catch up to him. The sprint up to him actually (coincidence or not), made the side stitch go away completely. I guess the burst of circulation might have helped?
Once we hit our halfway mark (at 52 minutes or so), I was still feeling great and so was my husband. On the way back though, the hills were really zapping us. We passed a few other running parents with strollers that seemed happy to see us out there as well. An older man, that I believe we saw out there on one of our other runs with the baby gave a hand wave and that made me happy. I love the older couples or older people in general that are out and getting some kind of exercise. They always seem the most friendly and happy to see you.
I am happy for my husband for completing his second 10 mile run (the first one without me). He thinks next weekend he'll go the full 13 miles. I don't think we'll be bringing the babies for that one and it does make me sad to leave them behind. It won't be the same. :(

The babies actually slept on the last part of our run!
Sharing their first chocolate milk! Cheers to daddy and mommys 10 mile run! :)

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