Friday, June 7, 2013

Back in the Urban Jungle

Ankle felt ok today, a little sore and mainly that is because I completely forgot to ice, massage and roll it last night. We were planning on an easy - paced run of an hour today, so we can do a longer one (maybe 8 miles?) on Saturday on the lakeshore. It's been since my injury that we went running in the park by our house. Not exactly my favorite place to run, but it's convenient and the bigger mindset here is if the babies were to complain about being in the stroller, at least there are diversions there and as a last resort to break from our run and let them play at the playground.
Today, our run started out slow. My husband was working out some stiffness and I was honing into my ankle since I forgot to care for it last night. By 5 minutes, we were picking it up without even noticing. I was letting him take the stroller for the first 10 minutes so I could warm up. From that point on, I took the stroller and kept with it. I was scared my endurance would have diminished from the two week plus hiatus, but I was feeling pretty good. At the thirty minute mark, I was a bit drained from the wind and the stroller, but we kept each other motivated. It seemed we were keeping up a 9'40 or so pace through the majority of our run until right at that point, but we still managed to keep it under a 10' pace from what I could tell from my watch. We had a few pauses and a few detours during our run (which is somewhat inevitable when we are running through city blocks and in a fairly crowded park), but if it wasn't for those things - I think our pace would have been a little better.
I'm looking forward to our run on the lakeshore tomorrow. I really hope the weather warms up a bit I loath wearing layers, but the good thing about running with a stroller is that it can also serve as a storage device. I'm not sure if I will be doing the whole 8 miles (if we do run 8 miles tomorrow) with the stroller. My husband already agreed we can switch in 10 minute intervals, etc. Although I'm almost 100% certain the rocky, horribly uneven trail we ran on is what injured my tendon, I do believe our last 8 miler was the day before. So really, it could have been either, or a combination of both. Well, off I go to ice my tendon and shop for baby books (as our babies had chewed through most of theirs and are now obsessed with reading stories). As cheesy as this sounds and sparked by our run today being slowed down at certain points by other people in the park and on the streets (which is their right to be there as well), but to make them a bit more aware of us and perhaps the babies safety, we are purchasing a bell for our stroller. It sounds like a hilarious idea and I can't wait to ring it as we're approaching people from behind. People will be expecting a cyclist, but nope - just some crazy parent joggers with twins in tow. :)

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