Friday, July 19, 2013

Dat Heat

The last weeks or so of not blogging have just been running in the park with the babies in tow on our usual park run of ~4 miles. The heat was pretty horrible, but we've been running after I get out of work so it isn't as sweltering. However, the last few days I actually had to say no to my husband in taking the babies out in this heat. Even with our breakneck speeds that provide the babies with enough of a breeze to cool them (Ha!), it is still way too hot for them. There is a little splash pad in the park, but I'm always a bit reluctant to let them go near it; seems a little dirty.
Anyways, so the last day we ran together was on Monday and my husband actually took the stroller the whole time (first time ever!) because he seemed he was still revved up from his race and had tons of energy. He actually tried to hand the stroller over once and I urged him to keep going, as he was doing so good. >:)
The last two days (after sitting out Tuesday and Wednesday; with Wednesday a sit out because I had to wait for the gas company to come reconnect our gas - long story) but I skipped morning nap with the babies and ran a ~7 miler on the treadmill on Thursday and today I only ran a 6 miler today because it was still so hot and humid in the workout room. The treadmill is located upstairs and we don't have the AC vents on in that room (only the babies bedroom and ours to save) and the vent is practically on the ceiling, so I just dealt with it.
This Sunday had better be a cool one, as my husband and I are going to the burbs and dropping the babies off at the g-parents house and attempting our first 13miler together. There is a long trail connecting town-town in the suburbs where my parents live, so we're going to try and head out early and get our half-marathon in (my husbands first and who knows what # this one is for me).
Until then, here's some pictures of the babies in the pool having fun and keeping cool:

Babies playing nicely.

Evander learning to kick, while holding on to the fence!

Madeline is a hard baby to take a pic of, but she's actually looking in this one!

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